Mentored to Greatness.
Every young mind is a genius, yet unique. Identifying the right approach that fits the mentoring process for every young mind is inbuilt into all our programs.
The Mentoring Process
‘The Mentoring Process’ from Evolvingminds is a futuristic, adaptive and responsive program that is always up-to-date with the most innovative methods of imparting knowledge. These science programs are not a substitute for classroom learning or scientific lab experiments, but a level above. The Young Minds experience powerful methods of intuitive learning that helps them recognise amazing potential within them. Our trainers truly believe in our philosophy of impactful positive training and impart vital knowledge in a simple and efficient manner, easily understood by the Young Minds. Such a learning process leads to a chain of discoveries and with every year, these steps re-cycle into a different thought stream, continuously engaging them in a practical and functional perspective.
Thought Provoking Questions.
“How to get a steel ball floating in liquid”? “How to float and spin a pencil mid-air”? As adults, our curiosity to know the answers is no less than a Young Mind’s. But, we believe that we are beyond that age of re-discovering ourselves and hence refrain. Young Minds however are the stark contrast of us adults. They are ever zealous to discover and learn. Encouraging them to ask questions and discover answers, helps them connect with their inner world. In this digital age, although answers are easily available on the web, they do not provide a streamlined method of learning. This is similar to the Indian education system in limiting the urge to discover via practical experiments. At Evolvingminds we encourage such thought provoking questions, to break all assumptions and streamline their zeal in tackling challenges and finding answers, via a practical platform. The programs at Evolvingminds instil confidence in Young Minds, for a constant endeavor in learning.
Sketching Ideas.
Every sketch brings a visual form to all the abstract thoughts and ideas in a Young Mind and helps them distinguish their unique ideas. The Evolvingminds mantra that “No Idea is wrong” encourages Young Minds in participating with positive enthusiasm. We help them connect their inner world of ideas to the practical outer world through established mechanisms. These mechanisms enlighten the Young Minds along their path of learning, discovery and futuristic yet impactful inventions for the society.
Discussing & Listening.
The saying goes that, ‘Communication is the Key to Success’. This saying has been re-invented in our programs and constantly reminds the Young Minds that “Communication is the Seed to Success!” An environment without any prejudice or reservation helps them share their ideas, for a deeper learning among all Young Minds! A continuous positive appreciation to the Young Minds and applauding their efforts goes a long way in working with them and converting their ideas to solutions.
‘Proactively Listen to Learn More’, is one of the most important advices that we give to all the Young Minds. This helps the Young Minds understand their Peers’ thought process, bringing about a new found respect for them. This is vital in team building skills where one shares another’s idea. Bringing about all ideas onto one platform further encourages proactive participation, better analysis of challenges across all ideas and perhaps even the birth of a new age product.
Testing Ideas.
Every seed sown in a Young Mind culminates into thoughts and ideas that need to be provided with answers, but in a practical manner. This way, assumptions are broken and not just clarity of knowledge is provided, but the wisdom of practical utilisation of the knowledge effectively, is enabled into their thought process. Through the testing of every idea, the Young Minds realise the need to practically apply this method across all walks of life, in order to learn & discover through all possible outcomes, and NOT assume and ignore all the practical possibilities.
Continuous Learning.
Reasoning at every step of learning, helps the Young Minds assess and re-assess their ideas and solutions at every level of thought. Testing these ideas, brings about new questions in the form of challenges; and reverse engineering solutions help analyse every minute detail of the project and tantamount to continuous learning, every step of the way. With the right guidance and improved suggestions in the form of solutions, we at Evolvingminds ensure that the Young Minds learn to work independently, and as teams while learning from each other and retaining such knowledge. The domino effect of one idea leading to another, result in a continuous evolution of ideas, knowledge discovery, learning and sharing.
Understanding Design Basics.
R&D has been a key, to the success of various global industry leaders who have researched, designed, discovered, corrected, invented, re-designed and finally found success! Ground breaking scientific and technological inventions are a result of numerous such continuous cycles. The R&D at Evolvingminds follows the exact same pattern and immerses Young Minds into the process of understanding every component that goes to designing their projects. The initial working models though successful in their own right, have a lot of scope for improvement, owing to their design flaws and barriers against a perfect functioning model of the idea. Brainstorming sessions bring out the best solutions to such design flaws, which are improved upon in successive re-designed models. Practical demonstrations enable quicker and better solutions through proper understanding of the tools, components and materials used across all projects. This gives the Young Minds, the wisdom to properly utilize any tool, component and gain more success with future scalable projects and inventions as efficient designers.
The wisdom gained, gears up Young Minds in building working models. The tools and components provided across different phases, helps them understand all the possible solutions, practically weighing out all the pros and cons of a solution and settling on the best options. This is a continuous process and we always encourage every thought flow no matter how insignificant it may seem, as that brings about a spark of new ideas and a bevy of solutions. This helps them start their construction phase with brimming confidence.
A critical yet inspirational trait encouraged at Evolvingminds is, sharing! Ideas, solutions, opinions etc. shared among peers and trainers, help our Young Minds understand the importance of being vital contributors to all facets of learning. Radiating this philosophy inspires many around them to be able to follow in their footsteps. This geometric progression leads to the sharing of invaluable knowledge across the world, unconditionally, to help evolve many brilliant minds of the future!
Skills Imparted
Every single step in the mentoring process brings about a powerful positive impact on every Young Mind’s overall development. These skills imparted are not just learnings during sessions, but every single aspect of learning (scientific, personality, professional, character etc.) becomes part of their skillset that they go on to practice in their daily lives. Few of the most important skills imparted are :
Self Confidence
Reverse Engineering any challenge or problem
Logical Reasoning
Scientific Thought Process
Communicating at every step
Presentation Skills
Team Building
Peer Camaraderie
Knowledge Sharing
Nurturing a Better Self-Identity
This program is a true milestone in the world of learning, discovery and educating the Young Minds. Through these science programs, they are sure to excel in their chosen field of interest and be an inspiration for the future generations to follow.